Wednesday, November 25, 2009


PALAEOLITHIC PEOPLE Palaeolithic human beings were primarily in a hW1ting and gathering stage. HW1ting practices were concentrated on large- and middle-sized mammals, especially W1gulates (hoofed animals). Deer, rhinoceros and elephant also seem to have been hW1ted. The subsistence patterns of hW1ter-gatherers were adapted to a dry season/wet season cycle of exploitation of animal and plant foods. Working out the diet pattern of Palaeolithic people is difficult as the evidence of people and plant relationship for the past is lacking.

Rock paintings and carvings by the Palaeolithic people also throw light on their subsistence economy and social life. Bhimbetka (in Madhya Pradesh) is the most striking site where more than 500 painted rock shelters of different periods are extant. The paintings of Upper Palaeolithic stage are - done in green and dark red colours. They are usually large. The paintings are predominantly of bisons, elephants, tigers, rhinos and boars which show the importance of these animals in the hW1ting life of Palaeolithic people. These paintings also show that Palaeolithic people lived in small groups.

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